2023 Eriksen and Coffin did their quantification by gathering reams of previous data on plastic samples from across the world’s oceans. 2023 For instance, employing risk quantification tools, analyzing and updating cyber plans periodically, and regularly conducting incident-response scenario planning can support businesses with return on cyber investments, manage their risk exposure, and in turn protect their organization’s reputation. 2017 Dyer believed in tests, quantification and psychometrics. Bill Andrews, Discover Magazine, 11 Apr. 2023 Even the hotness of hot peppers is susceptible to scientific quantification. 2021 But with the advent of gas chromatography, technology that was developed in the 20th century and allows for the separation, identification, and quantification of aroma compounds in a perfume sample, new competitors can simply reverse engineer a fragrance and resell it under a new name. IEEE Spectrum, Activities from these projects include: University of Georgia: A quantification of flood vulnerability in Athens-Clarke County, Georgia, which revealed that Black, Hispanic and low-income communities had 38% to 185% higher flood risk compared to the average risk. Chris Mooney, Anchorage Daily News, 6 July 2023 Kate Nicholson, founder and executive director of the National Pain Advocacy Center, says that this research may lead to better quantification of pain and treatment for those suffering from central pain disorder and other conditions that cause chronic pain.

Recent Examples on the Web There’s no official quantification of how large methane emissions from retreating glaciers around the world could be.